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Events Code of Conduct


At the Carlton Football Club (Club), we believe that everyone has the right to enjoy all games, club functions and events in a safe, respectful and supportive environment. The Club takes great pride in the way our games and functions are delivered and seeks to ensure that all guests enjoy their experience.

In line with the above, the Club expects its guests, at all times, to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with this Code of Conduct and the Club’s core values of Respect, United, Humility, Excellence, Integrity and Relentless. Carlton’s values underpin how the Club operates, describing how our people work together, interact and behave. 

Please ensure you are familiar with this Code of Conduct, which applies to any person attending an event hosted by the Club. 

A failure to comply with this Code of Conduct (and/or any terms and conditions/code of conduct of the relevant venue) is likely to result in the Club and/or the venue operator requesting you to leave the venue and you may be prohibited from attending Club events in future.



In the interest and comfort of all guests, the Club requires that all attendees:

  • comply with all conditions of entry to the venue, including bag inspections;
  • abide by all reasonable directions from Club and venue staff;
  • respect each person they encounter at Club functions/events;
  • remain quiet during all speeches and presentations; and
  • adhere to the event’s relevant dress code.

To ensure a safe, respectful and positive experience for all guests, the Club (and the venues in which Club events are held) will not tolerate the following from its guests or attendees:

  • drunk and/or disorderly behaviour;
  • swearing or threatening behaviour;
  • disrespectful or inappropriate behaviour towards other guests; 
  • engaging in any conduct which humiliates, intimidates, disparages or vilifies any other person on any basis including, but not limited to race, religion, colour, disability, age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual preference, orientation or gender identity;
  • engaging in obscene or offensive language, causing violence, inappropriate touching, gestures or sexually suggestive comments; 
  • any form of abuse; be it physical or verbal;
  • damage to property;
  • any form of racism and/or discrimination;
  • smoking (including e-cigarettes or vapes) within the event (unless there is a space where such activity is expressly permitted); or
  • bringing any forbidden objects into the venue;

Any person who engages in any of the above prohibited behaviours is at risk of being removed from the function/event. If you are requested or required to leave the function or event for any reason, you will not be entitled to a refund or any form of compensation.

If you observe any inappropriate behaviour, and to ensure the enjoyment of the event for all guests, please report this behaviour to Club or venue staff who will address the matter appropriately.


Responsible Service of Alcohol

The responsible service of alcohol (RSA) is taken very seriously by the Club and associated venue operators to ensure all guests have a safe and enjoyable time. Anyone who is, or appears to be, intoxicated may be refused service of alcohol or be removed from the venue under RSA requirements.


Dress Code

Please ensure your guests are aware of the relevant dress code of the function or event you are attending, as security will not permit access to the function room unless suitably attired.


A guide to the dress code at Club events is set out below:


Jeans, pants, tailored shorts, dresses, jumpsuits, and playsuits. Neat casual attire. Denim allowed. 

Please wear appropriate footwear – no thongs, gumboots, or slippers.


Business casual

Pants, chinos, tailored dresses, skirts, collared shirts, and blouses. Blazers and ties optional. Strictly no denim or ripped clothing.

Please wear appropriate footwear – no runners, thongs, gumboots, or slippers.


Cocktail attire

Tailored pants, tailored dresses, skirts, collared shirts, and blouses. Blazers and ties optional. Strictly no denim or ripped clothing.

Please wear appropriate footwear – no runners, thongs, gumboots, or slippers.


Business formal

Tailored pants, tailored dresses, skirts, collared shirts, business suits, blazers, and blouses. Ties optional. Strictly no denim or ripped clothing.

Please wear appropriate footwear – no runners, thongs, gumboots, or slippers.


Black tie

Tailored pants, tuxedo jackets, white dress shirts, black ties, formal floor-length or cocktail length gowns. Bow ties optional. Strictly no denim or ripped clothing.

Please wear appropriate footwear – no runners, thongs, gumboots, or slippers.


Guest Behaviour and Dietary Requirements

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have confirmed all guest names and their dietary requirements to the Club’s Events team at by COB on the Monday prior to game day or event. If you have not submitted dietary requirements by then, they may not be catered for at the function.

It is also your responsibility to ensure that any guests that you invite or bring to Club events are aware of, and abide by, this Code of Conduct and respectful behaviours. Any breach of this Code of Conduct and respectful behaviours by your guest/s may impact your ability to access and attend Club events in future.

We trust you understand that the Club’s Code of Conduct is in place to ensure a great experience for everyone that attends Carlton events and functions.